Updated: November 17th, 2020
ATTENTION: On November 7th, the Provincial Health Officer implemented an Order stating that from November 7th – November 23rd there is an order for the Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley areas in relation to controlling the future spread of COVID-19. In summary, we as BC residents must not hold gatherings of any size. We must limit ourselves to only those that reside in our home; no friends or family visits. Where feasible meetings should occur remotely via virtual means. Also ensuring we social distance as much as possible and wear masks when not able to. Good hygiene and cleaning practices as well must increase. At Southwest Contracting, we want to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all our office employees and visitors. The following best practices and protocols will be implemented:
· Employee should self-evaluate themselves in the morning prior to work. If you are feeling ill, contact the office and inform them. Then call Raven, H&S manager for discussion of symptoms and the next steps to take.
· All office staff must have a mask available to wear in all common areas (lunchroom, boardroom etc.) the back office area has been deemed mask mandatory due to proximity of desks and open space.
· All staff to sign in the office staff book daily for tracing purposes. This is on the front desk by Kathy at the reception desk.
· Visitors should be scheduled, and they shall sign the Declaration and the sign in book in case tracing needs to occur. All visitors must have a mask or face covering when visiting the office.
· Deliveries should be left at the door and knock. Do not enter unless necessary.
· Field staff are not permitted in the office unless attending a meeting scheduled by the office staff. This includes shop staff. All field staff must wear a mask, at all times when in the office. The office staff is considered a cohort of its own, similar to field crews that work together.
· Our delivery team (Ralph, Leo and Chris) must wear masks as well if entering the office.
· All staff entering the office must sign in at the front desk for contact tracing purposes.
· All Office staff when attend job sites, must wear a face covering if within 2m of other people and if social distancing is not possible. Their company bandana must be worn and readily available to ensure the safety of our office team cohort upon their return.
· All courier packages and mail should be handled with gloves worn. It has been determined that the virus lives 3x as long on surfaces, therefore increasing potential exposure. Upon completion of handing mail remove gloves and wash hands immediately.
· Gloves and hand sanitizer are available at the office. If you have a mask you wish to bring or use, please do so otherwise a mask can be provided at the reception desk.
· Hand sanitizer will be positioned at the front desk for those entering the building. There is a station set up at the back entry, where the boot covers are.
Two to three times daily spraying or wiping of the door handles, cabinet knobs, phones, keyboards, and copiers to be done. Kathleen has agreed to do this.
· Do not share keyboards or phones unless necessary. If required sanitize before and after use.
· When handing off paperwork to others for review or signatures- gloves are to be worn in handling of shared forms or paperwork. Immediately apply hand sanitizer or wash hands with hot soapy water before and after handling any documents that have been given to you or if you are giving them to someone else.
· Prior to leaving for the day your immediate workstation should be wiped down.
KITCHEN- Only 4 persons should be in the kitchen at a time. Prior to and after using any kitchen equipment it should be wiped down with a disinfectant wipe or spray with paper towel. This includes all handles touched i.e. Fridge, dishwasher cupboard, microwave etc. Upon completing eating or using the area, ensure table is wiped down and dishes are placed in the dishwasher. Handle to be wiped down following loading dishwasher.
WASHROOMS- All persons using the washroom must wash hands and then wipe down the sink counters, faucets and toilet handle. Then wash hands and use a paper towel to open the door handle to the washroom and exit.
PHOTOCOPIER- Only one person permitted in this area at a time. Prior to use and after any handle or piece of equipment touched must be wiped down.
DOOR HANDLES- at a minimum, the handles of all access doors should be sprayed or wiped down twice a day.
HAND WASHING AND SANITIZING- personal hand sanitizers are available at the reception desk. Hand should be washed or sanitized after touching any hard surfaces in any public area but excludes your own personal desk area.
We are all in this together. Let’s do our part in keeping ourselves and others safe.
Southwest Management
Ask us how we can work together to advance your heavy construction goals. From shotcrete shoring, jet grouting and bulk excavation, to underground utility installation, road building, hydraulic drilling for tiebacks, seismic anchors, and micropiles, SWC is synonymous with quality, reliability and innovation.